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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class in Wallingford CT

MMA Mixed MArtial Arts Wallingford CT

Martial arts, MMA, MuayThai, BJJ, Wallingford, Meriden, Cheshire

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class in Wallingford CT
Kickboxing, MMA and BJJ
Why Choose Us? We'll make it easy for you
We understand you have a lot of choices when it comes to your choice of Martial Arts instruction. In our experience, our members choose us and then decide to stay with us because of several reasons, Here are just a few:
Instructors who genuinely love to teach their arts and live the lifestyle.
Instructors who have actual fighting experience.
Our prices are the best, and our instruction is top-notch; that equals great value!
Small classes and consistent attention ensure you receive the highest quality training.
From fitness to fighting, adult, child, or whole family, we have you covered from day one.
FREE Online learning library so you can keep learning outside of class.
A modern, well-equipped facility that is cleaned continuously for your safety and comfort.
Safe and friendly training environment. No big egos and no dangerous training partners!
We consistently produce high-level competitors from students with no prior experience.
Multiple workshops, seminars, events, and cross-training opportunities all year long.
Conveniently located in downtown Wallingford with easy access to I91, Rt 5, Rt 68, Rt 150, and the Wilbur Cross Parkway. A short drive from North Haven, Cheshire, Hamden, Meriden, Durham, Southington, and Middletown, Connecticut.
Call Today or fill out the form to start!